Posture Correction

Partner with Dr. Donn Innaimo of Innaimo Clinic of Chiropractic if you need posture correction in Watertown, CT.

What Health Issues Are Related to Poor Posture?

From an early age, we’re taught not to slouch and hunch over because they are examples of bad posture. Exhibiting poor posture is generally frowned upon, but not everyone may necessarily see it as a big deal. You may count yourself in that group.

While that mindset is understandable, it is also misguided. Regularly exhibiting poor posture is a big deal, mainly because that bad habit can affect your quality of life.

Chronic pain is one symptom of consistently exhibiting poor posture. Pain caused by poor posture typically affects the back, but it can branch out to other parts of your body. You may also experience pain from the frequent onset of headaches. Those headaches could also be related to your bad posture.

Muscle fatigue is yet another symptom of poor posture. This type of muscle fatigue is also a chronic condition, and that’s a big problem. If your muscles feel tired all the time, you may have a hard time completing basic tasks.

Unfortunately, those are not the only ill effects caused by poor posture. Studies have shown that bad posture can also slow down your digestion. Slow digestion can then irritate your intestines and lead to other health issues.

You are also more likely to experience incontinence unless you take steps to correct your posture. Sometimes, incontinence may be the result of excess abdominal pressure accumulating inside your body. That particular issue may only get worse the longer you wait to correct your posture.

Start working on posture correction in Watertown, CT, by contacting Dr. Innaimo of Innaimo Clinic of Chiropractic.

What Can a Chiropractor Do About Your Poor Posture?

A chiropractor is uniquely suited to help people struggling with the symptoms of poor posture. To begin with, a chiropractor can help by confirming that your health issues are related to that issue.

If we confirm that your health problems are caused by poor posture, your chiropractor can begin treatment. They will focus on the specific musculoskeletal issues caused by your poor posture and work to address them. Taking that approach to treatment ensures that the issues related to your poor posture won’t resurface down the line.

As treatment progresses, your chiropractor can teach you proper posture habits. They can tell you how to sit, stand, or work without needlessly straining your body. Your chiropractor can also teach you specific exercises designed to correct bad posture habits.

Get help with posture correction in Watertown, CT, after calling 860-274-8858 and booking a consultation with Dr. Innaimo of Innaimo Clinic of Chiropractic.

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